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Selected Publications

  • Seiler, J., & Beye, M. (2024). Honeybees' novel complementary sex-determining system: function and origin. Trends in genetics : TIG, 40(11), 969–981. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tig.2024.08.001
  • Sommer, V., Seiler, J., Sturm, A., Köhnen, S., Wagner, A., Blut, C., Rössler, W., Goodwin, S. F., Grünewald, B., & Beye, M. (2024). Dedicated developmental programing for group-supporting behaviors in eusocial honeybees. Science advances, 10(44), eadp3953. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adp3953
  • Otte, M., Netschitailo, O., Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Seidel, C.A.M., and Beye, M. (2023). Recognition of polymorphic Csd proteins determines sex in the honeybee. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg4239
  • Netschitailo, O., Wang, Y., Wagner, A., Sommer, V., Verhulst, E.C., and Beye, M. (2023). The function and evolution of a genetic switch controlling sexually dimorphic eye differentiation in honeybees.
    Nature communications 14, 463.
  • Carcaud, J., Otte, M., Grunewald, B., Haase, A., Sandoz, J.C., and Beye, M. (2023). Multisite imaging of neural activity using a genetically encoded calcium sensor in the honey bee. PLoS biology 21, e3001984.
  • Wagner, A., Seiler, J., and Beye, M. (2022). Highly efficient site-specific integration of DNA fragments into the honeybee genome using CRISPR/Cas9. G3 (Bethesda) 12. 10.1093/g3journal/jkac098.
  • Netschitailo, O., Raub, S., Kaftanoglu, O., and Beye, M. (2022). Sexual diversification of splicing regulation during embryonic development in honeybees (Apis mellifera), A haplodiploid system. Insect Mol Biol 31, 170-176. 10.1111/imb.12748.
  • Degirmenci, L., Geiger, D., Roge Ferreira, F.L., Keller, A., Krischke, B., Beye, M., Steffan-Dewenter, I., and Scheiner, R. (2020). CRISPR/Cas 9-Mediated Mutations as a New Tool for Studying Taste in Honeybees. Chem Senses 45, 655-666. 10.1093/chemse/bjaa063.
  • Roth, A., Vleurinck, C., Netschitailo, O., Bauer, V., Otte, M., Kaftanoglu, O., Page, R.E., and Beye, M. (2019). A genetic switch for worker nutrition-mediated traits in honeybees. PLoS biology 17, e3000171. 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000171.
  • Otte, M., Netschitailo, O., Kaftanoglu, O., Wang, Y., Page, R.E., Jr., and Beye, M. (2018). Improving genetic transformation rates in honeybees. Sci Rep 8, 16534. 10.1038/s41598-018-34724-w.
  • Koch, V., Otte, M., and Beye, M. (2018). Evidence for Stabilizing Selection Driving Mutational Turnover of Short Motifs in the Eukaryotic Complementary Sex Determiner (Csd) Protein. G3 (Bethesda) 8, 3803-3812. 10.1534/g3.118.200527.
  • Blut, C., Crespi, A., Mersch, D., Keller, L., Zhao, L., Kollmann, M., Schellscheidt, B., Fulber, C., and Beye, M. (2017). Automated computer-based detection of encounter behaviours in groups of honeybees. Sci Rep 7, 17663. 10.1038/s41598-017-17863-4.
  • Vleurinck, C., Raub, S., Sturgill, D., Oliver, B., and Beye, M. (2016). Linking Genes and Brain Development of Honeybee Workers: A Whole-Transcriptome Approach. PloS one 11, e0157980. 10.1371/journal.pone.0157980.
  • Gempe, T., Stach, S., Bienefeld, K., Otte, M., and Beye, M. (2016). Behavioral and molecular studies of quantitative differences in hygienic behavior in honeybees. BMC Res Notes 9, 474. 10.1186/s13104-016-2269-y.
  • Sadd, B.M., Barribeau, S.M., Bloch, G., de Graaf, D.C., Dearden, P., Elsik, C.G., Gadau, J., Grimmelikhuijzen, C.J., Hasselmann, M., Lozier, J.D., et al. (2015). The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization. Genome biology 16, 76. 10.1186/s13059-015-0623-3.
  • Schulte, C., Theilenberg, E., Müller-Borg, M., Gempe, T. & Beye, M. (2014). "Highly efficient integration and expression of piggyBac-derived cassettes in the honeybee (Apis mellifera)." PNAS 11 (24) 9003-9008 PDF
  • Koch, V., Nissen, I., Schmitt, B.D. & Beye, M. (2014). "Independent evolutionary origin of fem paralogous genes and complementary sex determination in hymenopteran insects." PLoS ONE 9(4): e91883 PDF
  • Schulte, C., Leboulle, G., Otte, M., Grunewald, B., Gehne, N. & Beye, M. (2013). "Honey bee promoter sequences for targeted gene expression." Insect Mol Biol 22(4): 399-410 PDF
  • Beye, M., Seelmann, C., Gempe, T., Hasselmann, M., Vekemans, X., Fondrk, K. & Page, R.E. (2013). "Gradual molecular evolution of a sex determination switch through incomplete penetrance of femaleness." Current Biology 23(24) 2559–2564 PDF
  • Nissen, I., Müller, M. & Beye, M. (2012). "The Am-tra2 gene is an essential regulator of female splice regulation at two levels of the sex determination hierarchy of the honeybee." Genetics 192:1015-1026 PDF
  • Gempe, T., Stach, S., Bienefeld, K. & Beye, M. (2012). "Mixing of honeybees with different genotypes affects individual worker behavior and transcription of genes in the neuronal substrate." PLoS ONE 7(2): e31653 PDF
  • Gempe, T. & Beye, M. (2011). "Function and evolution of sex determination mechanisms, genes and pathways in insects." Bioessays 33, 52-60 PDF
  • Hasselmann, M., Lechner, S., Schulte, C. & Beye, M. (2010). "Origin of a function by tandem gene duplication limits the evolutionary capability of its sister copy gene."  PNAS 107 (30) 13378-13383 PDF
  • Gempe, T., Hasselmann, M., Schiøtt M., Hause, G., Otte, M. & Beye, M. (2009).  "Sex determination in honeybees: Two separate mechanisms induce and maintain the female pathway." PloS Biology 7(10): e1000222 PDF
  • Gempe, T. & Beye, M. (2009). "Sex determination in honeybees." Nature Education 2(2):1
  • Hasselmann, M., Gempe, T.,  Schiøtt, M.,  Nunes-Silva, C.-G., Otte, M. & Beye, M. (2008). "Evidence for the evolutionary nascence of a novel sex determination pathway in honey bees." Nature  454: 519-522 PDF
  • Hasselmann, M., Vekemans, X., Pflugfelder, J., Koeniger, N.,  Koeniger, G., Tingek, S. & Beye, M. (2008). "Evidence for convergent nucleotide evolution and high allelic turnover rates at the complementary sex determiner (csd) gene of western and asian honey bees." Molecular Biology and Evolution 25(4): 696-708 PDF
  • Hasselmann, M. & Beye, M. (2006). "Pronounced differences of recombination activity at the sex determination locus (SDL) of the honey bee, a locus under strong balancing selection." Genetics 174: 1469-1480 PDF
  • Beye, M., Gattermeier, I., Hasselmann, M., Gempe, T., Schioett, M., Baines, J., Schlipalius, D., Florence, M., Emore, C., Rueppell, O., Sirviö, A., Guzmán-Novoa, E., Hunt, G., Solignac, M. & Page,  R.E. (2006). "Exceptionally high levels of recombination across the honey bee genome." Genome Research 16: 1339-1344 PDF
  • Dearden, P.K., Wilson, M.J., Sablan, L., Osborne, P.W., Havler, M., McNaughton, E., Kimura, K., Milshina, N.V., Hasselmann,  M., Gempe, T., Schioett, M., Brown, S.J., Elsik, C.G., Holland, P.W.H., Kadowaki, T. & Beye, M. (2006). "Patterns of conservation and change in honey bee developmental genes." Genome Research 16: 1376-138 PDF
  • Honey bee genome consortium (2006). "Insights into social insects from the genome of the honey bee Apis mellifera". Nature 473: 931-949 PDF
  • Beye, M. (2004). "The dice of fate: the csd gene and how its allelic composition regulates sexual development in the honey bee, Apis mellifera." BioEssays 26 (10): 1131-1139 PDF
  • Hasselmann, M. & Beye, M. (2004). "Signatures of selection among sex-determining alleles of the honey bee." PNAS 101 (14): 4888-4893 PDF
  • Rüppell, O., Pankiw, T., Nielsen, D.I., Fondrk, M.K., Beye, M. & Page Jr. R.E. (2004). "The genetic architecture of the behavioral ontogeny of honey bee workers." Genetics 167, 1767-1769 PDF
  • Beye, M., Hasselmann, M., Fondrk, M.K., Page, R.E., & Omholt, S.W. (2003). "The gene csd is the primary signal for sexual development in the honey bee and encodes a SR-type protein." Cell 114, 419-429 PDF
  • Beye, M., Härtel, S., Hagen, A., Hasselmann, M., & Omholt, S.W. (2002). "Specific developmental gene silencing in the honey bee using a homeobox motif." Insect. Mol. Biol. 11, 527-532 PDF
Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Martin Beye : Contact by e-mail